Sometimes the greatest benefit to a current situation is the opportunity for analytical reflection upon progress vs chasing the next possibility for direction. The number of significant irons in the fire for Scott-Systems combined with a product diversification of essentially three distinct product lines, provides great anticipation for this team and our partners in the near days to come! New to the competitive competition for innovative product supremacy, in just a limited time, Scott-Systems has combined thoughts and dreams into an understanding of how to differentiate ourselves from the rest with attention to innovation, superior proto-type engineering, world class robotic and state of the art manufacturing, strategic marketing to match today’s trends, a leadership team with the determination and commitment to incorporate experience, state of the art solutions with a formula to catch the attention of even the most reputable and total experience savvy.
In about 4 hours, one week ago, our family set out for an over 1,900 hundred mile road trip to Manhattan. On the way out, we stopped in Williamsport, Pa for the opportunity to visit the mecca for childhood dreams, Harold J. Lamade Stadium. It was the 4th of July and a family road-trip to the home of the Little League World Series on the 4th of July, fireworks over the Susquehanna River, along the trail to a five day, four night achievement of New York City,was about as American as one can get. We are proud of the fact that the foundation of leadership within our company is and always will be, militarily committed to the implementation and perseverance of the American dream. We sustained a blow to that vision when an alert from our hotel’s front desk confirmed that the rear tailgate to our van had been compromised and the content to our travels compromised. The visibility of our Garmin was enough to entice an appetite for destruction. With our confidence destroyed, our vulnerability exposed, we learn the lesson of adaptation as a whole. When civilized confidence versus redundant fate is no different, a society must resort to commitment in an effort to understand delay.
As a company, we fully understand that the journey placed before us has been one far more than just explanation. We are fully committed to the everyday excitement of each day, the agonizing lessons of patience and expectations, the good fortune of family unity, service to a shared identity and the pursuit of daily fulfilment through belief. At Scott-Systems, the trouble with commitment is the fact that we have so many positive happenings in a time-frame that exceeds full contemplation and have maintained an allegiance to a tight circle of committed partners, working each day to grow our dreams a little longer and solidify our roots a little stronger. Scaff-All has gotten our foot in the door, Post-Rack has blown that door open, and Float-Frame is in a position to not only prop the space for opportunity acquisition but also propel our financial positivity to economic development opportunity. Where we started, where we have gone and where we are, is justification for the motivation to stake our claim in entrepreneurial advancement. Scott-Systems has arrived, and we have the products to prove it!
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